Why are Foam Mattresses so expensive?

You could question, “Why are foam mattresses so expensive?” when looking for a new mattress. When I had to purchase my first mattress in college, the shock of how expensive mattresses were hit me like a freight train. I was shocked to see a mattress’ $1,000 price tag. Since I had no idea the going rate, I was perplexed why they were so expensive. 

Because they are now better built and produced with superior materials, mattresses are now more expensive than they once were. This allows consumers to discover the perfect match for their demands. The quality of today’s mattresses and the more excellent materials they are constructed of account for their higher price. This aids folks in locating the ideal mattress for their requirements.

Let’s look at why foam mattresses are so expensive, whether you’re a college student, a young adult purchasing your first mattress, a married couple searching for a bed for two, or just interested. We’ll also cover some often-asked questions, such as how to spend less on a mattress and why spending money on a good bed is a good idea.

Why are Foam Mattresses so expensive?

What is responsible for the current increase in mattress prices? Several factors play a role, but one of the main ones is that modern mattresses feature several improvements over earlier models. It goes beyond simply employing better materials and enhancing the manufacturing process. In addition, operating costs, marketing, and advertising are incurred by mattress companies.


In addition to the money required to create them, mattresses can be pricey for various reasons. So, let’s discuss some of the primary mattress construction methods.

  • Memory Foam: Made of polyurethane, memory foam has swiftly gained popularity as a top material for mattress construction because of its plushness and pressure-relieving properties. A single foam block or several layers of various foams may be used in mattresses made entirely of memory foam. Since memory foam is not a particularly expensive material, these mattresses are typically more economical. Prices, however, might vary depending on elements like open-cell or gel-infused varieties made for cooling. Additionally, more expensive, longer-lasting foams with a higher density can be more durable.
  • Latex: Another well-liked mattress component is latex foam. It’s made from rubber tree sap and is frequently regarded as a more natural alternative to memory foam. Latex mattresses offer a sturdy, bouncy, and responsive feeling. However, latex costs significantly more than memory foam.
  • Innerspring: Mattresses with inner springs are a more traditional design. They are mostly made of coils with an additional, softer layer on top. To reduce noise and movement transfer, newer models replace the coils that link together in older models with individually pocketed coils. 
  • Hybrid: Mattresses that blend different types of springs and foam are known as hybrids. To balance the benefits, these beds employ a variety of materials.
  • Smart/Adjustable Mattresses: Different bright or adjustable mattresses are available nowadays. These modern mattresses provide features like adjustable firmness or sleep sensors and can be made from various materials. However, they are frequently much more expensive than other mattress models due to their complex features.

There are more mattress construction variables to consider besides the primary components. For instance, many mattresses include a cover, which may be made of a more expensive material like cashmere or something as inexpensive as polyester. For enhanced comfort, some beds have additional pillow tops or Euro top layers, which might increase the cost.

Mattresses that are natural, organic, and allergy-free

It would help if you also considered whether you prefer a mattress made of natural, organic, or hypoallergenic materials while picking the materials for the mattress. Because they use better, more expensive materials, natural and organic mattresses typically cost more than other mattress varieties. These can include materials like latex (more expensive than memory foam, as previously indicated), wool, cotton, and other organic materials. 

Additionally, many of these mattresses have certifications from outside agencies that inform customers of the mattress’s genuine natural or organic components. Mold, dust mites, and other allergens are typically resistant to hypoallergenic mattress materials. Due to the additional consideration it requires from the manufacturer, the mattress may cost more.

Free of Fiberglass Mattresses

What is fibreglass, and why do mattresses include it? Fibreglass combines glass and plastic used in mattresses to reduce their risk of catching fire (mattresses must have a fire retardant component to keep you safe while you sleep on them).

While fibreglass is typically considered safe to use in certain circumstances, it can be dangerous if you come into touch with it. In our guide on fibreglass in mattresses, you can learn more. Mattresses without fibreglass may cost more since it is more expensive to utilize fibreglass to increase fire resistance.

Premium Options

Extra characteristics that should have been considered when earlier mattresses were being made are frequently seen in current beds. Here are a few typical examples:

Edge Support: By “edge support,” we mean the capacity of the mattress’s sides to support weight. Many mattresses have more robust edge supports so users can utilize the entire surface area. The mattress lasts longer when the advantages are well-supported.

Cooling Capabilities: Some mattresses have unique components that help regulate temperature. They might have perforations for increased ventilation, gel, charcoal, copper, or phase change material in the foam.

Zonal Support: A mattress with zonal support offers varying degrees of pressure alleviation and comfort in various mattress zones. To help with pressure, it could be firmer around the hips and softer around the shoulders.

What Are the Mattress Prices?

The definitions of “expensive” and “cheap” are relative and based on each person’s priorities and means of exchange. Given different values and financial circumstances, what one person perceives as pricey may not be the same for another. While a $1,000 product might seem expensive to some people, it may be reasonable in the context of its particular market.

Having a general awareness of typical product costs is crucial for this reason. By contrasting various possibilities, you may quickly ascertain what is considered “cheap” or “expensive” in that market.

After carefully examining the mattress industry, Sleepopolis uses the following price ranges for queen-size mattresses, which are the most popular sizes:

  • Cheap: under $1,000
  • $1,000 to $1,500 maximum budget
  • $1,500 to $2,000 on average
  • More than $2,000 for luxury

For more in-depth details, you can consult our article on how much to spend on a mattress.


Foam mattresses serve as sumptuous entryways to rest and renewal in the world of sleep. Delicate craftsmanship, premium materials, and technological innovation create the tapestry of their luxury. Although the price may appear high, it reflects their unmatched comfort, adaptability, and durability.

Foam mattresses represent a dedication to unwavering excellence in a world where the appeal of sound sleep reigns supreme. Their price tag is a tribute to their value, given each layer’s science-infused innovation and personalization options. Given this, the response to the query “Why are foam mattresses so expensive?” can be found in the combination of knowledge, components, and sleep-improving technology that defines them.


Is it worthwhile to purchase a pricey mattress?

Your definition of expensive and spending limit determines the price of a mattress. Your selection should correspond to your tastes and mattress needs. Some people believe spending more on a particular bed is worthwhile, but a less expensive model may be adequate if you’re not too picky.

What distinguishes cheap mattresses from pricey ones?

The most significant differences between cheap and costly mattresses are their construction methods and material quality. Low-quality materials are frequently used in less-cost mattresses, which results in a lower-quality bed. To comprehend this comparison further, you may read our comparison of inexpensive vs. pricey mattresses. Our selection of the top affordable mattresses includes several excellent, reasonably priced options.

How inexpensive of a mattress is too cheap?

We consider anything under $1,000 to be an economical queen-size mattress. However, you may find queen mattresses at low-cost stores for just a few hundred dollars. However, it’s crucial to remember that these mattresses are frequently thinner, constructed of lower-quality, less expensive materials, and cannot be as durable as more expensive ones. You are ultimately responsible for the choice.

Are mattresses marked up a lot?

Like many other products, mattresses also see price increases over time as businesses try to turn a profit. Additionally, enterprises incur additional expenditures like overhead. However, this additional expense on a mattress varies by brand. Some businesses can limit price increases by eschewing physical storefronts or operating their factories.

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